
Showing posts from October, 2020

User Testing Report

What'cha been up to? Capstone. Capstone. Capstone. And maybe the occasional coffee break, work, and other classes.  I've been working on polishing my app design, in order for it to be prepared for user testing. I'd say it's test-ready! I still have a lot of stuff to do. I also created my first video ad for this project as well! If you are new to my blog, welcome! If you'd like to learn about it, please refer to my first post! Click me! User Testing Report I had to prepare a set of questions to ask my interviewers as they interacted with my app. I actually pulled out some old questions I've used in my UX/UI class last year, since a lot the questions helped me gain better insight whenever I conducted user testing. I created a script that went over the app step-by-step, up until I had the user try to use the app on their own. After that, I asked them some post-testing questions on their experience and additional feedback. Below is my list of questions, plus part of...

Peer Review

What'cha Up To? I'm still trying to finish my huge mug of coffee as I write this. I thought I'd need a lot of it but I don't think I do anymore. Anyways! In today's post, I'll be choosing one of my classmates' projects and reviewing it! If you're new to my blog, welcome! You can find my first blog post here if you'd like to read more about!  The Review I've chosen my classmate, Irina, to review their project! If you're curious to read about her capstone project description, check out her blog post here. Project Description: This immersive experience solves the issue of not seeing deep sea creatures, like the bioluminescent jellyfish, by bringing the deep-sea to the surface virtually. Users will approach a projection on a wall and interactive with it through gestures, providing a way for users to learn about the fascinating world of the deep sea. Goal: To create an immersive and interactive experience to bring the deep sea to viewers through ...

Professional Critique Report

What's up, buttercup? It's been a busy week/weekend for me. I was working on my capstone throughout last week and this weekend since my professor wanted my entire class to have our biggest parts of our projects done for the "monster critique." I'd love to share more about my progress but I will leave it for my next blog post! If you're new to my blog, welcome! If you'd like to read more about it, you can find my first post here: click me! My Project was Reviewed by a Professional My professor kind of dropped the bomb on my class sometime in the beginning of the semester. Basically during capstone, we students would have our projects reviewed by industry professionals. And from what I heard, it would usually take place close to the end of the semester. But this semester, my professor decided to do things a little differently and have our projects reviewed around mid-semester. The purpose was to get feedback on what we could do to improve our projects! Two w...